Week 2 weaning planner
Follow our handy weaning planner packed full of daily ideas of what to give your little one during week 2
Follow our handy planner packed full of daily ideas of what to give your little one. Don’t forget it can take up to 10 tries for your little one to accept a new taste.
week 2 - introducing exciting herbs + spices
Week 2 of weaning is all about adding exciting new herbs + spices to the foods your little one already tried in week 1, as well as mixing up veg they’ve already tasted and introducing some fruits (take a look at our week 1 weaning planner here).
Go with your baby’s appetite and let them tell you when they’ve had enough to eat, although milk is still your little one’s main source of nutrition so keep offering their usual milk on demand.
Take a look at our recipe hub for lots of yummy inspo on quick, easy + simple recipes for your little one exploring new tastes.
what to expect in week 3
Check out our Week 3 weaning planner so you can prepare for what's coming up next!