Week 1 weaning planner
Follow our easy peasy weaning planner to help you through the first week of weaning.
When your baby can sit up and hold their head steady and can pick up an object like a spoon and get it accurately into their mouth, they might be ready to start their weaning journey! Follow our easy peasy weaning planner to help you through the first week of weaning.
Week 1 - introducing a variety of yummy veggies
Week 1 is all about introducing a variety of yummy veggies.
Offer food when little ones aren’t too tired or hungry, like after the lunchtime milk feed.
A few spoonfuls of thin smooth puree of soft cooked veg mixed with your baby's usual milk, like the consistency of pouring cream is about right!
Follow your baby’s pace + don’t worry if they don’t like it.
Try again later + remember it can take up to 10 tries before they accept a new food! This plan shows you how to offer a variety of tastes but also makes sure that little ones experience the same veggie several times to help them learn to accept them.
What to expect in week 2
Check out our Week 2 weaning planner so you can prepare for what's coming up next!