From 7 months

At 7 months, your little one is ready for complex tastes + textures! Take a peek at our handy tips + guides below

My little one is


Weaning 7 months
7m weaning mobile hero

time for texture

Little ones can learn to push + squish soft lumps against the roof of their mouth with their tongue, so don’t worry if you can’t see any tiny teeth yet! Start to finely mash food to form soft lumps (no bigger than the size of a lentil) in a thick puree.

Weaning 7 months
Claire avatar update

Nutritionist Claire's top tips!

Rainbow veggies

rainbow of veggies

Offer a variety of colourful veg for a good mix of nutrients

Herbs spices

herbs + spices

Excite tiny taste buds with a twist of herbs + spices like cinnamon, basil or rosemary!

Grip grab

grip + grab

Little hands can start to hold more tricky flat-shaped foods like toast + pitta bread fingers with more confidence

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get your free tasty guide to weaning for more top tips!

helpful stuff: weaning guides + videos!

Introducing texture
Super smooth, a little lumpy, nice + chewy? Claire Baseley (expert nutritionist) shares her top tips on how to introduce texture throughout your little one's weaning journey
Introducing BIG tastes
Expert nutritionist, Claire Baseley, shares her top tips on why it's important to introduce your little one to new + exciting tastes on the weaning journey
Handy video

Introducing texture

Super smooth, a little lumpy, nice + chewy? Claire Baseley (expert nutritionist) shares her top tips on how to introduce texture throughout your little one's weaning journey

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Handy video

Introducing BIG tastes

Expert nutritionist, Claire Baseley, shares her top tips on why it's important to introduce your little one to new + exciting tastes on the weaning journey

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what to expect at the next stage of your journey…

explore our yummy food

There's something for every step of your little one's weaning journey

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Explore top tips, yummy finger food recipes + fun activities for every stage of your little one's weaning journey

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