Begin weaning with Ella’s friends

Welcome to the Ella's Kitchen family! As a special friend, you'll get instant access to a FREE digital weaning guide + when your little one reaches 12 months, you'll also have access to a handy guide to feeding toddlers

We'll also send you a useful weaning chart + free vouchers** in the post as well as regular emails with lots of weaning tips, recipe ideas, offers + more!

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1a BAF Hero 24 1

tell us about your little one...

Our Friends account is specially designed for you and your little one's age + stage.

Pick your little one's age below to see all the goodies you can get when you join Ella's Friends.

Do you have more than one little person? Don’t worry, you can add all your little ones when you sign up!


under 12 months

over 12 months

Toddler icon 1

tell us about your little person

Sign up to tell us about your little person, so we can email you expert tips, recipes + offers to fuel your BIG adventure!

Toddler icon 2

FREE digital toddler guide

As soon as you sign up, you'll get access to your exclusive handy guide to feeding little tums.

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your personalised friends account

Once you're signed up, you can access special offers from our B Corp partners like Pip&Nut in your Friends account.

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Tell us about your little one

Sign up to tell us about your little one, so we can email you lots of tips, recipes + offers, which are just right for every stage of your weaning journey!

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Your goodies in the post!

As soon as you sign up + tell us your address, we'll pop a handy weaning chart + FREE vouchers** out to you in the post!

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FREE digital weaning guide

You'll get instant access to your exclusive digital weaning guide + special offers from our B Corp partners like Pip&Nut in your Friends account.

goodies in your weaning pack...

Goodies Chart

Handy weaning chart to help you track your little one's journey

Goodies Vouchers

Free vouchers + coupons** to use in-store for a variety of yummy foods across every age + stage

hear from some of our friends...

"Thank you so much for your help, my little ones weaning pack came today! Super excited and a massive help! Especially seeing the pictures of what textures at what ages, thanks again x"

Mum of Pippa, age 6 months

"I have received weaning pack today and it is very useful for me to get idea for making baby food"

Mum of Sebastian, age 6 months and 2 weeks

"Just wanted to say that my weaning pack arrived and it is JUST what I needed. It's obviously been created by people who have been there with a new baby as it's packed full of all of the questions you Google at 2am and get shouted at on Mumsnet for asking. I think every Mum should be given one of these when their little one gets to 6 months."

Mum of Celeste, age 6 months

share your journey with us!

We're here to support you through every step of the weaning journey.
Don’t forget to share how your little one is doing on social media.

join Ella's friends

Welcome to the Ella's Kitchen family! As a special friend, you'll get instant access to a free digital weaning guide + when your little one reaches 12 months, you'll also have access to a handy guide to feeding toddlers.

We'll also send you a useful weaning chart + free vouchers** in the post as well as regular emails with lots of weaning tips, recipes, offers + more!

Join now!

**For now our yummy vouchers are just available in the UK, but we're working reeeaaaally hard to make them work in ROI - watch this space!