Eat Play Love
when mealtime becomes playtime, a love for food lasts a lifetime
We want to create a world where every little one has the opportunity to grow up happy + healthy. That's why we're encouraging all little ones to play with their food! Because we know that when they play, explore and have fun with food using all their senses, that's when they become more willing to try new foods...and even learn to love them!
Got a question about sensory food play? See our FAQs
play with your food!
Little ones learn by playing with the world around them, so why should the fun stop when it comes to food? We know that exploring food with all the senses in a happy, calm + fun environment, develops little ones' confidence + curiosity, helping them to reeeally enjoy the experience and become more willing to try new foods, like fruit + veg.
Sensory food play can even help little ones overcome a fear of new foods and stop them from becoming fussy eaters when they're older.

For little ones to learn to love food it needs to be tasty, colourful and fun. So we make sure our scrummy food + recipes tingle all the senses and are just right for tiny tummies - using only the best quality, ethically + sustainably sourced ingredients.
Play is a powerful thing! It's how little people discover + learn about the world around them, and that goes for food too! Experiencing fruit + veggies with all the senses through squishing, popping, smooshing + sniffing, helping to develop their confidence + curiosity to try new foods!
Love is what happens when we let little ones play, explore and have fun with food. Big smiles, excited noises, kicking legs + happy jiggles help develop the confidence + curiosity to try, accept and even learn to love fruit + veggies forever!
building healthy futures
Our nation's little ones simply don't eat enough fruit + veg to support their health + wellbeing. That's why we've been calling on the Government to provide more support + funding to deliver sensory food play in all early years education settings across the UK
Read our policy paper
sensory play
Learn to love good food with sensory play!
With our experts, we've created lots of quick, easy + simple ideas to encourage your little one to experience sensory food play.

champions for change
We're leading + supporting lots of projects to make sure little ones all over the UK get access to sensory food play